73rd Annual
Silver &
Turquoise Ball
May 3, 2025
The Silver and Turquoise Board of Hostesses has maintained a wonderful legacy of history and tradition in our Tucson community while promoting, supporting and encouraging the preservation of Tucson’s historical traditions and diverse cultural heritage. We accomplish this by the magic of one evening, The Silver and Turquoise Ball.
Schedule of Events:
5:30 P.M. - The Ball begins
7:00 P.M. - Dinner
8:00 P.M. to Midnight - Dancing
Welcome! The Silver & Turquoise Board of Hostesses has the honor of continuing one of Tucson’s longest running community celebrations, the Silver & Turquoise Ball. A beloved tradition since 1950, the Ball is one of the loveliest gala events in the community. It celebrates what makes Tucson a special place to live: the mix of cultures that contribute to our vibrant community life, the strong creative influence of the arts, the presence of history all around us, and the dedicated people who work hard, give generously and lead with intelligence to make Tucson a wonderful city.
It is a great privilege to serve as Chair of the 73rd Annual Silver & Turquoise Ball. I am inspired by the community of exceptional women who have graciously dedicated their time, talents and efforts to keeping this tradition alive for the past 7 decades.
Every year, proceeds from the Silver & Turquoise Ball support the preservation of Tucson’s historical traditions and diverse cultural heritage. This year, as in many years past, our beneficiary will be the Mission San Xavier del Bac. Founded in 1692 and located just south of Tucson, the “White Dove of the Desert” is the only church of its kind in the US that remains largely intact. The S&T Board of Hostesses is one of the primary contributors to the ongoing conservation and preservation of this gorgeous national landmark and local treasure. We hope you will join us at the beautiful Arizona Inn for the 73rd Annual Silver & Turquoise Ball on Saturday, May 3rd, 2025.
Haley Ochoa Hursh
Silver & Turquoise Board of Hostesses
2025 Ball Chair

Past Ball Chairs
1950-56 Mrs. Rowland Spencer (Audrey) *
1956 Mrs. Henry O’Neal (Viola) *
1957 Mrs. Harold Steinfeld (Peggy) *
1958 Mrs. Charles P. Neuman (Saranne) *
1959 Mrs. Frank Patania (Aurora) *
1960 Mrs. Jack O’Dowd (Tulla) *
1961 Mrs. Monte Mansfield (Eleanor) *
1962 Mrs. Abbey Grunewald *
1963 Mrs. Albert W. Gibson (Eunice) *
1964 Mrs. J. Kelly Rollings (Sally)
1965 Mrs. David C. Watkins (Mary) *
1966 Mrs. Peter Voevodsky (Reyn)
1967 Mrs. H. Wilson Sundt (Dottie)
1968 Mrs. Beaham Moore (Shirley) *
1969 Mrs. Betty Jo Drachman
1970 Mrs. Robert Salvatore (Sally Drachman)
1971 Mrs. C.W. Schumacher (Betty) *
1972 Mrs. G. Marshall Jones (Billie) *
1973 Mrs. Jack C. Ledford (Polly) *
1974 Mrs. Lee Davis (Sally)
1975 Mrs. Wilbert E. Dolph (Roberta)
1976 Mrs. George H. Amos Jr. (Barbara)
1977 Mrs. Bernard Friedman (Irma) *
1978 Mrs. Lemmuel C. Shattuck (Wanda) *
1979 Mrs. Stephen Congdon (Persis) *
1980 Mrs. Donald R. Hall (Alice) *
1981 Mrs. John P. Schaefer (Helen)
1982 Mrs. Robert P. Goldfarb (Lesley)
1983 Mrs. William D. Carrell Jr. (Melinda) *
1984 Mrs. Victor Oberschall (Olivia) *
1985 Mrs. James M. Warren (Bonnie) *
1986 Mrs. David W. Ogilvy (Liz)
1987 Mrs. William R. Lipscomb (Elaine) *
1988 Mrs. James M. Sakrison (Dee Ann)
1989 Mrs. Milo Van Voris (Patti)
1990 Mrs. Archibald M. Brown, Jr. (Laura)
1991 Mrs. Dale Birtch (Nancy)
1992 Mrs. William C. Kordsiemon (Margaret)
1993 Mrs. John R. Stilb (Elaine) *
1994 Miss Debbie Fagin
1995 Mrs. Steven D. Touché (Perri)
1996 Mrs. John D. Doerr (Patty)
1997 Mrs. Peggy Davis Drachman
1998 Mrs. Robert Maxfield (Sandra)
1999 Mrs. Jon Eberly (Laura)
2000 Mrs. James R. Ronstadt (Christina)
2001 Miss Christina F. Stilb *
2002 Mrs. Douglas H. Kliman (Susan)
2003 Mrs. George H. Amos III (Theresa)
2004 Mrs. Charles H. Ott, Jr. (Susan)
2005 Mrs. Greg R. Vinikoor (Melissa)
2006 Mrs. Stephen Ochoa (Cynnie)
2007 Mrs. Raymond Carroll (Ann)
2008 Mrs. George C. Cox, Jr. (Nancy)
2009 Mrs. James R. Studwell (Ginny Healy)
2010 Mrs. Stephen T. Alexander (Michelle)
2011 Mrs. William A. Eklund, Jr. (Chris Wangensteen)
2012 Mrs. Gerald W. Sundt (Rebecca)
2013 Mrs. Gordon Burford (Jackie Ludwig)
2014 Mrs. Timothy S. Harris (Jennifer)
2015 Mrs. Henry T. Peck (Barbara)
2016 Mrs. John Leech (Sarah)
2017 Mrs. Stephen W. Christy (Susie)
2018 Mrs. Deron M. Davenport (Cecie)
2019 Mrs. J. Scott Candrian (Beverly)
2020 & 2021 No Ball
2022 Mrs. Khushvant S. Bhola (Amy)* and Mrs. Shaun A. Kirkpatrick (Tara)
2023 Mrs. John S. Carroll (Lori)
2024 Mrs. Missy Eddy